Replenishing and completing your smile with dental implants Nottingham can be one of the best feelings ever. It may be that you have waited years for this wonderful feeling or it may be mere weeks, no matter how long, completing your smile again is great.
However, there are occasions when things do not go to plan and complications may arise with your oral implant. The minute you think this may be the case, contact your dental team.
Now as with most things, knowing when there is an actual problem is not always easy, however, below we explore some of the more common symptoms associated with oral implant problems.
Common symptoms of dental implant problems
Discomfort or pain
When a treatment or procedure has recently occurred a level of mild discomfort is to be expected. This discomfort may occur during the process and in some cases continue in the days that follow after. Over-the-counter pain relief can, in most cases, assist with this discomfort and within just a few days you should be returning to normal.
However, for those whose discomfort is impeding their daily life significantly or for those whose discomfort lasts longer than just a few days, getting booked for an emergency dental appointment is the way to go.
Prolonged or increased discomfort or pain combined with a level of pressure around the implant can signify an infection or the possibility of your body rejecting the implant. No matter what, if you have any concerns whether big or little, contact your dentist to get checked out.
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As with most procedures, a little blood is once again, to be expected. Having some bleeding during and after the process is entirely normal and within just a few days should decrease and stop. In order to assist with the early stages of healing, it is necessary to avoid heavy soluble foods so as to not put significant pressure on the fresh tooth in the early days.
As the mouth heals, eating habits can return to normal, however, on the off-chance that the area begins to bleed heavily, pop in to see your dentist so that they can examine and assess the area.
Potential instability
Once an oral implant has healed, the artificial root which has been fused into the jawbone should feel completely secure and stable. Therefore, should an implant wobble or feel unstable it is important to let your dental team know so that they can understand what has happened and create a plan of action going forward.
A tainted smile
When flashing a smile, for the majority of people, it is hoped that the smile is pearly white. Following on from an oral implant procedure a little redness is to be expected around the area in the early days, but after this gums should return to their natural color.
Should the gum turn any other color it is important to immediately seek help from your dental team as an infection may be occurring.
Some infections do not always present discomfort or pain and therefore keeping an eye on the color of the teeth, mouth, and gums is essential. However, these complications are a rare exception to the rule of receiving a fully functional and comfortable restored tooth.
Should you have any queries or concerns over your dental implant it is important to seek help and advice from your dentist.