Living with misaligned teeth can cause someone to experience difficulties on a daily basis, especially when it comes to maintaining high standards within their oral health and hygiene as keeping the teeth and gums clean via brushing and flossing can prove to be hard work.
This may lead to someone living with misaligned or crooked teeth having to deal with common dental issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, and plaque build-up more frequently, this may lead to a need to visit the dental practice more often to receive treatment to deal with minor issues before they become problematic.
There are adults living with the problems associated with misaligned teeth when there is absolutely no need for them to do so, as many of them wrongly believe that tooth alignment treatments are only available for those in their early teens.
The good news here is that there is now an alignment treatment that is directly targeted at adults.
Invisalign Dublin is a modern aligner that can help patients gain the results they desire, leaving them with perfectly straight teeth and cutting down the risks posed by common dental issues. Best of all the treatment is discrete.
A treatment that can be kept secret
One of the elements that may turn those with misaligned teeth away from receiving treatment is the way the aligner will look once in place around the teeth. As often when people think about tooth alignment treatment they think about the metal and wire brace most of us heard about when we were younger.
Due to the materials and design of the Invisalign aligner, they are practically invisible when worn in place in the mouth, meaning the eyes of others should not be able to see the treatment once in place.
This is an aligner made from clear, durable, and strong clear plastic that is moulded to match the individual needs of the patient, and that fits over the teeth of the patient rather than around the teeth.
This is a treatment that patients can have confidence in, that will deliver the results that they desire over a period of twelve to eighteen months. Now patients can have the straighter teeth they have wanted for so long, as well as gain marked improvement in their oral health and hygiene.
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Time to investigate
We would encourage any adults living with misaligned, crooked, or protruding teeth to start to investigate their options. The here and now is always the best time to investigate the positive ways to make any change that would improve any aspect of a person’s health, especially oral health.
Any patient who is wanting to receive tooth alignment treatment should contact their dentist to book an appointment to have a full consultation about their needs. At this appointment, your teeth and gums can be fully examined and assessed, so a personalized treatment program can be drawn up for the individual patient.
X-rays or scans may be taken of the patient’s teeth, these will be used to aid in the creation of a series of aligners that will be used through the treatment process. By the end of the treatment period, the patient will have the straight teeth they desire.